We have many ways that you can support us
Share Share Share
The simplest way is completely free – share our kitties from our facebook page, so your friends can share it, and their friends, and their friends….. Help them find homes quickly!
Donate items
- Kitten Food
- Cat Food
- Wood pellet cat litter
- blankets and bedding
- Toys
Can you spare some of your time? Sally needs volunteers to help her keep the pens clean, do home checks, collect kitties in need, and of course give the kitties lots and lots of fuss and attention.
Donate money
Can you spare £1 right now? Or could you make a regular £1 donation to Sally each month?
£1 will buy some kitten food, or you could spend your £1 on a toilet seat decal art sticker
£1 will buy some cat food, or you could spend your £1 on a fancy money clip
£1 can help towards vet bills, or you could spend your £1 on a clip to hang up your sunglasses when you are not wearing them
You get the idea… your donation matters to us, and not a penny is wasted. We use donations to buy the essential such as food, flea treatments, worming treatments, cat litter, and of course those ever mounting vet bills.
We have a number of options available that will get your donation to us in just a couple of clicks. You can donate any one off amount, or set up a monthly donation for £, £5, £10, or £20.